Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Extreme hospitality

We always have a lot of people passing through our house ( and staying for a while as well) but the last few months have been record breaking even for us. In the autumn, we had a sort of global village in our loft, with a Swiss, a German and a Pole ( plus an American born baby) all staying at the same time. They all moved out before the winter holidays, when it was so quiet that we were even without my husband for a few days.

However, now the Americans have moved in. You know you have a lot of guests when you have to make a chart to work out who is sleeping in which bed. We have a PhD student living with us while he writes up his thesis, then in the space of two and half weeks, a comedienne, the director of a women's seminary and a roving rabbi, some of whom overlapped. In the midst of all that, my parents in law came for Shabbos last week, followed by our Polish-German friends and their American baby this week. That's not to mention the two young women who are sleeping here for Shabbos, but not eating!

It's not really surprising that my children don't want to go to bed - it's just too interesting here!

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